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    • #152800

      This is where you guys can chat with each other, comment on workouts, talk about how it’s going, post pictures of your workouts, etc.  Have fun!!!

    • #152814

      Is this right?

      • #152815

        Sure is!

    • #152817

      Keeping track of my calories on my fitness pal. It looks like at the most before adding workout calories, I’m only hitting about 1100 calories. What would you suggest?  Could I add more coffee creamer in the am:)). That’s what I’m missing sooooo badly.

      • #152830

        Hi Suzanne.  Yes, to coffee creamer.   Max 1 tbsp and 2 cups of coffee per day.  Without knowing more about you I can’t give specific calorie suggestions, but eat till you’re full.  Just stick to the menu though.  Hey, for future nutrition questions add them to the Topic on nutrition so all that go there can see.  We’re just getting this figured out, but this Topic is for the Challengers (you guys not me per say) to chat so I might not see them if questions are posted here. Thanks sis!

    • #152829
      Doe Kittay

      I am excited about this challenge!  I did Hell Week and between that week and this challenge, I really feel on track with workouts.  Love that we have a board to chat on!!!

      Suzanne, just a thought.. I use full fat coconut milk in my coffee… good for you and really yummy!

    • #152833

      Michelle T said… Day 3 of FFS for me. Monday was a double day for me. Tomorrow is my second double day were I do cardio and strength training. I am loving this challenge and I thank Cat and Crew for this forum. I am putting a lot of sweat in my Equity and I am loving the results.

    • #152841

      Will do!  Trying to figure this out🙃  Thank you Doe for your advise.

    • #152843
      Jackie Moore

      So happy to have found SSOD.  For several years, I incorporated stationary biking as the regular cardio piece of my workout at a local gym.  I always loved it.  Wore a monitor. Often did interval programs.  Have been slack for the last few years and without a regular fitness routine in my life.  As the pounds added and years passed, I lamented my shape of years gone by and knew I needed to find that “thing” again that I really enjoyed. My workouts just hadn’t been regular/often enough to get to any consistently good shape.

      My husband gave me a stationary bike for Christmas (lifecycle gx). I started with the intro Youtube class and I joined SSOD shortly after. I figured joining this group would help me stay on task in these early weeks and give me the chance to figure out which instructors and classes I like best.  Mere is an early favorite!

      I’m trying to get used to the lingo different instructors use–and what it means for me.  My bike has levels (1-19)…does that equate to gears? I’m thinking– not really.  If they say “you should be at 70%,” does that mean of what I think my max effort is–or 70% resistance. When they say this is a jog vs a walk vs a run, do I just use their cadence as a guide or what I think equates to my walking , jogging, running pace…. I know it will all come in time as I spend more time spinning.  Or maybe there’s an “instructor lingo conversion for dummies” report somewhere.  😉 It’s been a great start.

      I did screw up my first two check-in comments as “FFP” rather than “FFS.”  Please count them. I’ll get it right from here.

      Thanks Cat and Mere.

      Jackie~Richmond, VA

      • #153364

        Hey Lady!

        Yes, the 1-19 are YOUR gears, but you have to think of it in terms of perceived exertion when we say 7 out of 10, that means like 70% maximum effort.  Who knows what gear that might mean for you.  It depends on the speed we’re at too.  A 7 out of 10 going 90RPMs is NOT gonna be the same gear if we ask you to only go 65RPMs.  Make sense?

      • #153398
        Mere W.

        Hey Jackie…you’ll get to know all of us too 🙂 We do use some slightly different terms, but you’ll see a trend once you get used to it.  I know for me personally, I’ll tell you 7/10 for a moderate hill climb.  Maybe on a flat I might say keep your Heart Rate at your 80-85% of your max.  So different things we are talking about.  Just keep up with it and it’ll all make sense soon 🙂

        • #153696
          Jackie Moore

          Not sure this will post as a reply where I expect but…thanks Cat and Mere for your replies.  Can tell I’m dialing it in w/each class. Love trying new instructors.  I really started at ground zero so muscle strength not there yet–but getting better. Feeling great. Sleeping well. Overall health and energy is way up.

    • #152966
      Roxie Toburen

      I don’t know if my posts are showing but FFS with Mike Strong Ride

      • #153366

        Your post showed Mike!  This is our chat board.  Make sure you also comment on any classes (directly on the class detail page) for any classes you take in the 4 weeks!

    • #152978
      Doe Kittay

      30 min sculpt with Miriam dated Sept 22nd is an awesome workout!  You will feel like you worked out an hour and the stretch is amazing!!!


      • #153367

        I know. It’s so good right!

    • #152990

      Monday I did the Calorie Crusher straight up with Cat.  Tuesday I did the Body Changer spin sculpt, also with Cat.  Loved both of them, except on the curtsy lunges with weights I had a hard time keeping my balance.

      • #153831

        A lot of people struggle with those so don’t feel badly, but DO keep trying.  Something that really helps is keeping your eyes on one spot on the floor.  It’s all about using your core to stabilize so keep that bad boy engaged as well.   And don’t feel badly putting the weights down to focus on your form.  Quality over quantity right!

    • #153030
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      Good Day to all… Today was cardio and strength training.. I had a blast doing both. I am finding that my stamina has increased 100% and I could do three or more classes in one day. I think I am going to start taking pole fitness again after I finish my SSOD workouts…

      • #153370

        Love your energy Michelle.  Pole classes huh?  Nice!

        • #153393
          Michelle(T) Bonsu

          Yes, I love doing pole fitness.. it makes you realize how much you use your upper body to pull yourself up that pole lol

    • #153392
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      Today was a much needed rest day for me… I am going to pick my weights back up in the morning.. I think I will do one of Cat’s small group training class and maybe some trx… I find when I do a lot of classes with weights I feel accomplished. Does anyone else feel this way?


    • #153397

      My third spin of the week was the Loop to Lean spin core with Mere.  Awesome!


      • #153399
        Mere W.

        Awesome Jason!  Way to get 3 in already….I think at least one more is in your future this week 🙂

        • #154265
          Suzanne Morrison

          I did that class today. Great workout! Made it one of my favorites.

      • #153528
        Michelle(T) Bonsu

        That class was awesome and tough. I had to stop and move my two year old over a couple of inches from me. I did not realize he was in the splash zone and was getting soaked by all the sweat that was flying while doing that class lol.. He said mommy mommy I am wet lol



    • #153414
      Heather Robinson

      I was feeling pretty bad and tired for a few days but I’m starting to feel.better again. I think just adjusting to this nutrition plan and coming off a week in FL on vacation. Heading up north michigan to our cabin rest days:)

      • #153824

        That’s actually pretty standard, but it should not last long.  Make sure you’re getting in your greens to keep your system going if you know what I mean, and feel free to adjust portions to work for you.   You got this!

    • #153426
      Alice Walker

      Hi everyone I thought I posted yesterday. But don’t see it, this one is a test.

      • #154186

        Hi Alice.  This one shows!

    • #153429
      Roxie Toburen

      Sorry I guess I didn’t post my workout very well the other day I did the Strong Ride by Mike the other day now trying to decide what to do Saturday before work.

      • #153826

        Hey Roxie.  You don’t have to post them here if you don’t want to.  But you do need to comment on the classes you take on the class page where you play the class from in order to get credit when it’s raffle time.  We love to see them here too though!

    • #153486

      Much needed motivation to get back on track after the holidays!  Nice to have a little feel of home here in India.  We can do it team!  🙂

      • #153722
        Mere W.

        Wow Meg…all the way from India!  Welcome 🙂

    • #153578
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      Good Morning SSOD family, I just finished my morning workout classes. My plan was to do one of Cat’s small group training, however life happened and I had to do a 30 min spin class followed by some yoga. I feel so relaxed and ready to start my Saturday filled with dance classes, basketball practice and pee-wee soccer for the baby. I hope and pray everyone has a blessed and sweaty day…

      • #154194

        That sounds like it was the perfect choice Michelle!

    • #153617
      Suzanne Morrison

      Trying to figure out how to post this weeks workouts not intuitive


      • #153825

        Nice lady!

    • #153635
      Alice Walker

      Okay so this week, Spin Core December 18, 2016 with the on and only Cat Kom, glad I purchased all access, then 30 Minute Strength & Stamina February 11, 2016 with Brian (decided to give the legs a break), today on of my favorites StraightUp Spin: Hills & Drills! June 29, 2014. Now off to DSW for shoes, reward for me. (shower first)

      • #153721
        Mere W.

        Well I’m sure everyone in DSW appreciated that shower first 🙂 Great first week, keep it up!

    • #153636

      I’ve been sick most of the week and have one gotten in one workout. I’m feeling a bit better today so I’ll need to get a workout in today and tomorrow to meet the goal of three. I’ll need to select from the low intensity menu.

      • #153720
        Mere W.

        Tiffany…all good!  Illnesses happen, what matters is how you come back after.  Stay at that low intensity and get better.

    • #153732
      Roxie Toburen

      I did the recovery ride with Mike this morning before work because I knew I would be rocking a one year old this afternoon

    • #153749
      Heather Wilcox

      Got in a whole mess of speed spins this week on top of some good strength training.  Also did Cat’s killer 30 minuted Tabata today plus another bootcamp workout to hit 60 mintues.  Love all the great options!

      • #154192

        Those are awesome.  That was a tough Tabata class!

    • #153793
      Nichole Costin

      Loving this challenge. Silly question- do the weeks go from Mon-Sun or Sun-Sat?

      • #154195

        Fair question!  Mon-Sun. That way you can shop Sunday.  🙂

    • #153823


      In case you did not know we had this category, now you do.  Click the link below to see all of our Travel Friendly Workout.

    • #154050

      I’m having problems with the chat forum. Am I the only one?

      • #154193

        Hi Suzanne. This is our first time using it so I’m not surprised.  It’s our test run.  What problems are you having?

    • #154183
      Jessica Janek

      OK so week one is nearly over and so far I’ve managed to get in three workouts. I’m planning to do another one today and that will be 4. I’m loving this challenge so far but I’ve also decided to challenge myself to lay off the alcohol for the 4 weeks. This is where I’m struggling a bit. I’m not a big drinker in that I limit it to just the weekends; but it’s the weekend here in Oz and it’s hot! Any tips to help me get through?

      • #154196

        That’s awesome Jess of Oz. 🙂  You’ll feel better with little or no booze.  And killing the workouts!

    • #154197

      Today is shopping and prep day.  Set yourself up for success for week 2!  I believe in you!

    • #154241
      Suzanne Morrison

      Mere W.  Spin core


    • #154351
      Terry Connor

      My wife and I have been on demand for just under a year without posting comments , Hell week really motivated us and set us off on one !! The FFS Monrh has continued to inspire us in week 1, we’ve completed 4 classes and stuck to the meal plan which has resulted in me losing 5lbs and Marie 3lbs. Feeling amazingly good just trying o avoid temptations, especially when the kids munch everything we can’t have around us!!!!!

      For some good inspiring recipes we recommend the Helmsley sisters.


      A massive big thank you to all at studio sweat, you manage to keep us going even after a hard day at work.

      • #154529
        Mere W.

        Terry and Marie…welcome!  Time to start making comments, I swear we are a friendly bunch 🙂  Glad to hear you are sticking to it and getting those workouts in.  Yes the temptation is so hard, especially with all the kids food around.  Do your best to help them out and get them eating healthier like you too!  They will appreciate that later in life.

    • #154440

      Following the eating plan and losing weight. Today I went for some of those cookie bites😳  Ate a whole dang serving of 9. Anyway, I guess there’s tomorrow. Love this challenge!

      • #154534
        Mere W.

        Hey Suzanne…mistakes happen.  Big key is getting back on track immediately!  It’s not about saying oh tomorrow…it’s ok that happened let’s get back to eating right right now.  We are here for ya and know you’ve got this!

    • #154577
      Jessica Janek

      Hey fellow challengers. Question about intensity. I have been spinning regularly for about 2 years now and I find that I don’t get that sore anymore unless I do a weight training style workout. My heartrate is always in the right zone and I can feel the next day that I’ve worked out but I don’t get the “oh my gosh I’m really sore” feeling anymore. Am i working out hard enough?


      • #154680

        I’m sure you are!  I’m the same way.  I feel fatigue in the legs from Spinning sometimes, but not soreness.  But, it’s still doing you worlds of good.   I promise you that!  BUT… that’s also where the Spin Sculpt classes come in.  Make sure you’re hitting those. There is a reason they are our most popular in studio class.  I also suggest you try mixing up the trainers you take class from.  Like, I get more fatigued from Mike’s classes than any others, but that’s because his style is so different than mine.  Hope that helps!

        • #154864
          Jessica Janek

          Thanks heaps Cat, good tip to try different trainers. I definitely don’t get enough spin and sculpt classes in that’s for sure. I’ll aim to do at least 2 in this 2nd week and see if I notice a difference.

    • #154657
      Doe Kittay

      I did the Loop to Lean ride with Mere W today.. killer spin and core workout!  I am so happy I am back to feeling like I can do an hour SSOD class without dying!  Thanks so much for this challenge.

      • #154815
        Mere W.

        Glad you are getting back at it Doe!  Soon that hour class will be feeling easy…oh wait like that ever happens 😉

    • #154679

      Thank you Mere for your response. Did great with everything else. Just the pesky cookies!  I don’t even like cookies!!!  Grrrrr

      • #154818
        Mere W.

        I’m jealous you don’t like cookies…that’s my weakness!  I love cookies, the only good thing is I really only like homemade ones.  Just keep at it and take it one meal at a time!

    • #154794
      Heather Robinson

      Really enjoyed my “free” day on Saturday! I did not get my workout in today as I wanted so I will add on a day at the end. Looking forward to try these new workouts! Any suggestions out there…I am looking to shed some pounds as well as tone up, so I added more strength training,but then noticed a few pounds on. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but I didnt add that much more strength training than I usually do maybe an extra day. So I use the bsp,is it better to put it as tone up or lose weight? I thought I had it worked out but I guess not!

      • #154819
        Mere W.

        Heather – glad you enjoyed the free day!  So were those few extra pounds over the holidays?  That’s a typical trend and sticking with this diet should help you drop those few you might have gained.  You can switch your BSP to tone up or lose weight for a while then go back to adding strength, but remember not to focus to much on the scale!  Factor in how your clothes are feeling…are they a little too tight then go with tone up or lose weight, then if they are a little loser go back to strength.

        • #154889
          Heather Robinson

          Thanks Mere! I know the scale is bad, lol! I usually don’t weigh my self and go with measurements or how my clothes fit, which they’ve been fine, but the damn foot doctor insisted on weighing me last week. Hahah! It got in my head.  Yes the holidays probably didn’t help I tried my hardest but the more I tried the more I fixated…hate that!

    • #154885
      Julie Varga

      Week 1 is in the books and I am down 5.2lbs.  I just wish I could run with that victory instead of looking at the 100+ I still have to lose.  I am just trying to take this 1 day at  time and hope I reach that goal.  This is the the fist month I have done SSOD even though I have had it since Oct. and am really liking it.  Hope there are more challenges in the future to give me the extra kick in the butt I need!

      • #154890
        Suzanne Morrison

        Just take it one workout at a time. We are in this together. Focus on the 5lbs lost. Picture a 5lb bag of sugar or flour.  It’s not insignificant!


      • #155088
        Jessica Janek

        I totally agree. You’re here, you’re doing something. You’ve actually already done the hardest thing and that’s decide to make a change. The weight you’ve lost already is awesome; 5lbs is nothing to sneeze at. Your SSOD family has got your back! Keep moving everyday and one day you’ll look back and think “wow what was I worried about? I got this in the bag”

      • #156098

        Hi Julie-  The other 2 are on point.  We’ve had people lose over 100 pounds as sisters and brothers here at SSoD.  You will be among them.  AND…. keep it off.  I will personally come kick you butt if you do all the hard work to get there then backslide, so it ain’t happenin’.  Hear me?  Commit to one day at a time.  Make sure you have a good support system.  That’s so important right.  And, I really want to stress based on what i’ve seen that when you have weeks where you don’t see a drop in weight, and you will, to not give up.  It’s discouraging, but it’s also par for the game.  Just keep doing what works most weeks and you’ll be there in no time.  Go take a class with our trainer Olga.  She lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off.  Added motivation right there.  She just had a baby so we’ll get new classes with her soon.  Anyway, keep on keepin’ on, and we’ll lead the way with your workouts.  XO.  Cat

    • #154888
      Heather Robinson

      I can’t figure out how to post a screen shot, but I did Brooke’s spin and stretch this am. Tough spin and great stretch in the end.perfect to start my week!

      • #155423

        Hi Heather.  It’s the far right icon that looks like a pic of a mountain and sun when you’re typing.  See that?

    • #154921
      Julie Varga

      Thanks, Suzanne!

    • #154980
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      Happy Tuesday SSOD Family, today was a double day for me

      I did Brooke’s spin stretch andBrian’s new bootcamp class. Amazing, fun yet tough for both. Cat I am trying to upload some pictures and my myzone graph, but I am not able to.



      • #155424

        That’s a fun workout Michelle!  What’s happening when you try to add pics?  You’re clicking the top right icon to add them right?  LMK so we can see your pics!

        • #155642
          Michelle(T) Bonsu

          well when I try to upload a photo or  the myzone graph the imagine is very big. What size should the photo and the myzone graphs be?

    • #155109
      Heather Robinson

      Did Brian’s spin sculpt from the BSP this morning, whew!!!! those man/woman makers at the end were a killer, but in a good way. I have done that workout before, but couldn’t remember the end. I may have pushed it out of my memory, haha! Already feeling it for sure. I always enjoy Brian’s classes, he keeps it real and I enjoy his comic relief 🙂


      • #155425

        I agree on every account!  Ha.

    • #155207
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      Good evening everyone, today was a very exhausting day for me but I pushed through it and I got it done.. I am going to stretch get some protein and start back up again tomorrow. Happy spinning and sweating to you all


      • #155426

        Sounds like a perfect plan Michelle.  Way to take care of you!

    • #155641
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      Happy Friday, I am totally spent after I finished Cat’s and Bethany rock spin core class. I have been waiting, and waiting for  these two. Boy oh boy it was worth the wait, I think I got up to 240 MEPS for this one.

      • #156099

        That’s a lot of MEPs!  Thanks for rockin’ out with us.  Memories.  Ha.

    • #155864
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      • #156100

        So… you pushed it?  Ha!  NICE Mich!

      • #156101

        So… you pushed it?  Ha!  NICE Mich!

    • #156072
      Heather Robinson

      Fridays workout!

      • #156102

        That’s an awesome workout Heather.  Glad to be a part of it.

    • #156075
      Heather Robinson

      Friday I did Elli’S speed spin AND Brian’s new bootcamp! Whoa! What a workout! Yesterday I did Cat and Bethany’s tag team spin core….loved all these workouts. Cat well done on the Playlist for that spin core loved every song and will definitely do that one again.

    • #156076
      Heather Robinson


    • #156077
      Heather Robinson

      • #156103

        How are you alive after this?  Ha!  What class was it?

        • #156506
          Heather Robinson

          Cat, I was barely alive, lol! this was Elli’s speed spin and Brian’s new bootcamp. It was a great combo, but I almost  vomited several times.

          • #156615
            Alice Walker

            Heather what is the title of Brian’s new class, think I will give the legs a rest.  I think I going to try the 2012 challenge, all my spin class will be the ones Cat taught in 2012.  The updated version “You will be sore” was AWESOME!!!  Did it twice (every other day) Gracias Cat!!

          • #157104
            Heather Robinson

            Hi Alice…it’s Brian’s brand new bootcamp class just released. It’s like 34 min long and it’s a good one:)

    • #156289
      Heather Wilcox

      5 workouts for week 2.  Both new releases done!  Different format and focus, both killer.  Got in Rebecca’s Bootcamp and a few favorite speed spins. My rest day was spent at the Women’s March on D.C. with my 16 year old daughter.  Sending love (and a lot of sweat) out into the world.  Ready to rock week 3!

      Heather W

      • #156876
        Mere W.

        Way to get in 5 workouts!  And of course thanks for all the positivity 🙂

    • #156445
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      • #156446
        Michelle(T) Bonsu

        What a great day to spend your day of rest.. I applaud you  and your daughter  for marching. We out in Chicago doing the same🤗

      • #156505
        Heather Robinson

        I know it was a good one right??

      • #156875
        Mere W.

        I see a lotta red in there…oh wait that class was full of sprints 😉

    • #156813
      Michelle(T) Bonsu


      • #157103

        That must have been one good Spin Sculpt class!  😉  PS-  Did you get an email saying I replied?

    • #156897
      Roxie Toburen

      I am on week three of this challenge hard to believe it’s going by so fast. I did a wonderful workout with Brooke this morning.

      • #156981
        Mere W.

        I couldn’t agree more with you Roxie!  I can’t believe we are on Week 3 already.  Keep at it lady!

    • #157106
      Heather Robinson

      Week 3 and feeling great! Missed my morning workout during to soreness, however I’m going to try to get it in at lunch time. 😊

    • #157122
      Heather Robinson

      Halima’strength new s&S trx! Great solid workout!

    • #157175
      Roxie Toburen

      I did a Speed spin by Bethany this morning and apparently its one of my favorites I noticed I did it last week.

      • #157261
        Mere W.

        Favorites are a good thing!  Then you can see how you’ve progressed.  You know you can mark videos as Favorites, right?  There’s a red add to favorites button to the right of the video player…just in case you haven’t noticed that 🙂

    • #157376
      Terry Connor

      Hey gang ! Coming to the end of week 3 and still going strong ! Eating well and enjoying the workouts with even more enthusiasm, I must say that although we have taken on board  the different foods to be eaten as well as the ones we can’t eat , we haven’t used the meal planner but have enjoying creating our own recipes , for example cauliflower rice , courgetti spaghetti and celeriac mash all are great with fish lean meats .

      It is working so well for us that I have lost 11 lbs and Marie 7lb , I will add I was 253.4 lbs , and Marie … I’m to much of a gentleman to reveal !! But she’s looking mighty fine 😍 , this in 2 weeks , third weigh in tomorrow morning ( 29.1.17 )

      loving everything about this challenge and SSoD ! We have just bought 2 TRX systems to take us to another level , OMG we started with the basic workout with Cat ….. after 2 days we still can’t walk , bend or move our arms properly 😆 Still no pain no gain !

      If I may be so bold to ask our friends from across the water about low fat / full fat foods ? There is new evidence over here that suggests eating / drinking full fat dairy actually aids weight loss as apposed to the low fat versions, the reason is that the full fat dairy products keep you fuller for longer and also break down differently from other fats ! We,d love to here your opinions from the US !

      Love and respect as always

      • #157556

        Wow Terry & Marie-  That is fantastic!


        There is so much debate on that subject isn’t there.  For me it’s all about balance.  I have switched away from non-fat dairy as a choice.  I do however just get a smaller portion and of low-fat, not non-fat when it comes to my latte.  Same with my coffee creamer.  I use regular half and half, but only 1 tsp.  That way the calories are still low, but I’m using the whole product.  Does that make sense?  Again, that my choice, but let’s see what others have to say.

      • #157590
        Jessica Janek

        I agree with Cat, it’s all about balance. The issue with some low fat options is that they are high in sugar, take low fat yoghurt for instance; nearly twice the sugar as regular yoghurt. I buy plain Greek yoghurt and then I add my own fruit. It’s summer here down under so the berries are in season and in winter I buy frozen, just as good.


    • #157550
      Suzanne Morrison

      Loving this challenge. Just can’t seem to get in the habit of commenting here.

      • #157555

        We all need to, but not bad for our first try.

    • #157554

      Final week here we come!!!  Hey Guys & Gals, I just wanted to encourage you to almost Hell Week this last week.  I challenge you to get in 5 workout days and make one a double day!  You don’t have to of course, you just have to get in your 3 at a minimum, BUT… I think it’d be fun to see how many of you take on a Hell Week for this last week.  And if you can’t do 6 workouts, how many can you do?  What is possible?  Love to hear about it.  When it’s over it’ll feel like heaven. 🙂  GO TEAM GO!

      • #157570
        Julie Varga

        I accept that challenge, Cat!

      • #157739
        Heather Robinson

        I can definitely get in 5 days…I do struggle with the double day workout but I will do my best!

        • #157741
          Julie Varga

          You’ve got this Heather!! ☺

    • #157582
      Roxie Toburen

      I thought I posted this morning but I don’t see it so yesterday I did Cat’s Killer 20 HiiT workout then Mike’s Recovery Ride good combination.

      • #157809

        I bet that felt great Roxie!

    • #157589
      Jessica Janek

      Week 3! Argh I only got 2 workouts in this week. I’ve had the week off, been busy renovating our house, up and down ladders, painting. So yeah still physically active just not the traditional workout

      • #157808

        That is active.  Sometimes those random things make you more sore than a good ol’ sweat drenched workout.  Cracks me up.  Back at it this week!

    • #157757
      Nichole Costin

      I haven’t posted on here for awhile. The last 2 weeks I’ve had sick kids and many sleepless nights. I was able to get the workouts in. This week I’m going to get back on my schedule that I was on before all the sickness started. I’m hoping to do my double day today. I did a spin this morning, and tonight hopefully will be a lifting one.

      I have loved this challenge and can’t wait to see what other challenges come.

      • #157807

        Way to get back in the saddle lady.  So much gunk going around knocking people out.  I had it last week. No fun.  Slay this last week!

    • #157770
      Michelle(T) Bonsu

      Ok so cyclist down lol. I have been really sick for the past few days and today is the first day that I am able to hold my head up longer then 5 minutes before needed to lay down. I am feeling stronger and I am hoping and wishing that I can get back on my bike tomorrow. Fingers crossed next time you hear from me I will be uploading my workout results. Happy Tuesday everyone…

      • #157783
        Heather Robinson

        Feel better soon!!

      • #157806

        Feel better Michelle!

      • #157869
        Alice Walker

        Michelle, I hope you feel back to your self soon.  I will check in tomorrow to see which workout you conquered.

    • #157857

      This has been a good structured challenge. I like having to complete at least three workouts per week for four weeks. It keeps me motivated. I have been exploring all kinds of workouts off the bike as well. SSoD has been great for me!

      • #157870
        Alice Walker

        Liz, I could not agree more.  I am not a self starter when it comes to exercise, so I love getting emails with everyone’s post or replies keeps me motivated as well.  Here’s to all of us trying to be the best US we can be!

    • #157860
      Suzanne Morrison

      Did workout #3 week#4 FFS

    • #157867
      Roxie Toburen

      I did Bethany’s Release The Beast sprin workout this morning it was a toughie.

    • #157868
      Alice Walker

      So, loved this class…30 Minute Bootcamp January 15, 2017 and I never thought weight training was for me.  Who knew? I agree I am loving this challenge.

    • #157950
      Suzanne Morrison

      I started working out with studio sweat on a regular basis I. September. Purchased my “My Zone” monitor in October for the Drive to 25 challenge. I have lost 22lbs so far! Down to a size 8 from a size 12. The challenges and My Zone are great motivators. Keep the challenges coming!

    • #158009
      Roxie Toburen

      Week 4 workout #2 Bethany’s new spin workout an it was a great workout. I love her teaching style and she really knows how to work you.

    • #158035
      Suzanne Morrison

      Hoping to get my double workout in tomorrow. FFS #4 week #4 done today.

    • #158166
      Heather Robinson

      I did Brookes spin sculpt with the optional TRX today from BSP. I recently got TRX so thought ok i got this, well owie!!! I need some work on that. It really is using your muscles in a different way. I think I may have to do some yoga tonight as this week in particular i am very tight and sore. especially in my neck and upper back.  even though this challenge is coming to an end, I like to think it is just the beginning and i will continue on with everything I have learned these past 4 weeks!

      • #158227
        Mere W.

        Heather – way to go!  Yeah Brooke is a killer on TRX 🙂  I still remember my first class I ever took with her, my core was sore for a week!  Try to foam roll those muscles to if you have a foam roller.  Keep working on the TRX, you’ll definitely see your strength improve as well as just getting more accustomed to it!

    • #158185
      Terry Connor

      week 4 of FFS MONTH , HELL WEEEEEEEK ! Bring it on ! Loving it 😍

    • #158206
      Suzanne Morrison

      fFS week #4 workout # 5

    • #158234
      Roxie Toburen

      My core and knees were killing me today after yesterday’s workout

    • #158267
      Jessica Janek

      Just wanted say loving the new locks Cat! Foxy 😉

    • #158359
      Alice Walker

      I thought I post about how great this class was and no TRX equipment needed…..Total Body Sculpt January 26, 2017 with Halima under Strength & Stamina

    • #158360
      Roxie Toburen

      I did Brooke’s Ride and Renew this morning for my third workout this week.

    • #158376
      Alice Walker

      Guys, Bethany’s StraightUp Spin January 31, 2017 is a great workout.  I think my waist is a bit slimmer.  Heart-rate was up.  You’ve got to try it.

    • #158424
      Terry Connor

      Hi Cat and Mere,

      now we’re coming to the end of FFS month, I reckon it’s about time you gave us one of your multiple trainer classes with everyone. We regularly do the 7 trainers, every single one of you has a unique trading approach and personality and are a total inspiration to us.

      Come on Cat LETS DO THIS 💦💪🏻💦💪🏻

    • #158440
      Nichole Costin

      Did the Straight up spin: Slim Down Sprints. It gets me every time. I’ve enjoyed this challenge. I’m sad to see that its coming to an end.

    • #158462
      Roxie Toburen

      FFS workout 4 with Brooke’s November 12th 2015 good way to end this challenge so happy I completed it.

    • #158512
      Jenni Olson

      Thanks for a great challenge everyone!

    • #158519
      Terry Connor

      Hi Cat / Mere

      we wear Fitbits as our training aids , what is your valued opinion on calorie burn ? There are 3 seperate heart rate zones ( fat burn , cardio and peak ) obviously doing a SSoD spin we are never in fat burn but alway in mostly peak , but there is so much gumf about do this for fat burn that for a healthy heart so on !

      I understand HIIT TRAINING is the best out there , could you please settle a few differences over here please

      love and respect

      Terry & Marie

      • #158924
        Mere W.

        Terry & Marie,

        I could talk to you for hours, probably days, on this HR training stuff…fat burning zone, etc. there’s just so much info on it!  First, I also wear a Fitbit and overall I think it is decent for counting calories.  I know it doesn’t record my HR anywhere near as good as my actual HR monitor.  My Fitbit rarely registers over 140 and I’m often in the 160s during my class.  That’s probably my biggest complaint about it.  However, if it’s what you’ve got then make the most of it!  I’ll try to make this concise, in the fat burning zone you’ll burn more calories of fat, however it’s going to take you a lot longer to burn those calories then if you were to keep your HR in the 80-80% range for a shorter amount of time.  As for HIIT, yes it’s great but it’s easy to over do it too.  I don’t like to recommend more then 3 to absolute max of 5 HIIT trainings a week.  Based on your results from the challenge, I’d say you two are both doing excellent.  I’m not 100% sure of what type of classes you two are doing, but make sure to add some strength & sculpt classes in there.  The muscle building or maintaining is vital!


    • #158687
      Terry Connor

      H Cat / Mere

      we have  just finished our last workout of FFS MONTH ! over the last year Marie and myself have enjoyed spinning a couple times a week, but we made a conscious effort to improve our lifestyles , over the last 5 weeks we had HELL WEEK and now FFS MONTH , I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you ! You all have amazing personalities which us normal folk can relate too , you all inspire poeple do to do that bit more !

      we have spent 1000,s on gym membership over the years , but honestly you guys at SSoD are amazing ! The online classes fit our hectic lifestyle , the kids think we are going through a midlife crisis, but end up dancing around us to your great music choices, this month has been especially inspiring not only for the extra incentive to workout more, but also making us aware eating habits.

      The kids are commenting on how different we look !!!!!!! I have lost 15 lbs and Marie 9 lbs which is pure insane ! Without dieting and just EATING HEALTHY ,

      we are doing our bit in the west of England to let everyone who comments to take a look at Studio Sweat !

      congratulations to all sweaters out there xx hope you enjoyed it as much as us x

      Finally we have amazing feelings of love and respect for you all  , can’t wait for the next challenges!!

      Terry , Marie


      • #158923
        Mere W.

        Terry & Marie,

        That is amazing!  I’m not talking just about the weight loss, I’m talking about how much you seem to have changed your lifestyle.  It’s great to hear your kids are dancing around, hopefully they are learning some healthy habits and how important exercise is, as well as some healthy eating habits too.  Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, it truly warms my heart and definitely motivates me to keep pushing you!

        -Mere W

      • #159027

        Cheers to an amazing accomplishment AND to many more years together!

        You’re both truly inspirations to me, other SSoDers, your children, and all those people you’re telling about Studio SWEAT onDemand.  Thank you!

        Would it be okay if we shared this post online to inspire your SSoD Family?

        With respect and gratitude,


    • #158737
      Jessica Janek

      OK so didn’t quite manage to get hell week done, I only got in 4 workouts this week but I did manage a double day so that was good. Anyhoo, this challenge has been awesome and I’m going to carry on with the routine I’ve established. Thanks Cat and Mere this has been lots of fun!

      • #158922
        Mere W.

        That’s music to my ears!  Love to hear you are going to continue on with the routine the challenge helped you establish.  Way to go Jessica 🙂 Thanks for being a part of it!

    • #158774
      Heather Robinson

      Thanks Cat and Mere for this challenge and being there for support. I’ve gotten more support from you than I did at the gym I used to go to. I am so thankful for you and this studio 🙂

      • #158921
        Mere W.

        Thank you Heather for joining us!  Way to start the year off right…now it’s about staying consistent for the remaining 48 weeks, but you’ve got this!

        • #161517

          I SHOULD get notified when you reply to this comment. 🙂

          • #161681
            Mere W.

            Replying to this one too!

    • #158811

      Congratulations to all of those that finished the Fitter, Faster, Stronger 4 week Challenge yesterday! I’m getting reports in that it motivated challengers so much that they do indeed feel FITTER FASTER STRONGER to start 2017. AND… as a bonus things like 14 pound drops, and decreased resting heart rates, longer durations on the bike, and more were a bonus side effect.

      For all those that finished and did their 3 or more SSoD classes per week for the last 4 weeks will be entered into a drawing for very special prizes. Watch for winners to be announced Friday.


    • #158976
      Doe Kittay

      Thanks for the great challenge.  The best thing is that I am back to doing at least 3 SSOD workouts every week! I appreciate you Cat and Mere W!!

    • #159043
      Terry Connor

      Hey Cat !

      yes of coarse ! It’s our pleasure to spread the word about SSOD ! if there’s anything we can say or do this side of the water please ask !

      Many thanks again for everything and the kind words from yourself and Mere


      • #161515

        Hi Terry-  We’re doing some more testing on the Community Forum.  Can you tell me if you got an email telling you I made this comment?

    • #159050
      Terry Connor

      Hey Cat !

      yes of coarse !

      It’s our pleasure to spread the word about SSOD ! if there’s anything we can say or do this side of the water please ask ! Many thanks again for everything and the kind words from yourself and Mere


    • #161735
      Roxie Toburen

      Since this Challenge ended I gabe been horrible wirh wotking out I guess I need someone ti ge account able to.

    • #157669
      Suzanne Morrison

      Up for the Hell week challenge for week #4 of FFS! Hope I can do it!

    • #158167
      Heather Robinson

      we can do it!!! and we will continue to after the challenge 🙂

    • #158228
      Mere W.

      You’ve got it Suzanne!

    • #161516

      Hi Mere-  When you reply to this comment I should NOT get notified.  So can you email me on the side to tell me when you reply to this. Thanks!

    • #161679
      Mere W.

      I’m replying!

    • #161680
      Mere W.

      I’m replying!

Viewing 88 reply threads