Challenge Details & Menus

Home Forums SSoD Challenges Fitter, Faster, Stronger 2017 Challenge Details & Menus

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    • #152448
      Mere W.
      The Nutrition Plan:   There are 5 attachments below.   One for each week, plus the guidelines for the plan.  Please start by reading the guidelines.  The gist of the plan is that you get a menu (plan for the day) and you eat the same things every day for 6 days, plus you have one free day.  Then you switch to the menu for the next week and do the same thing.  It’s makes it really easy that way.  Please do not wait until Monday to shop.  Get your groceries and do meal prep Sunday so you’re ready to go Monday.  There is not a vegetarian or vegan option.  Sorry about that.  
      The Workouts:  You are challenged to get in at least 3 SSoD workouts that are 20 minutes or longer (I prefer an hour) for the next 4 weeks. When you’ve finished the workout please comment on the class (which cannot be done through the app so please go online) to let us know you did it.  You can say “Fitter Faster Stronger” or “FFS” for short, plus add anything else you’d like.
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