Questions for the Board Moderator

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    • #152804

      If you have specific comments, questions or feedback for Mere W or Cat add those here!

    • #153440
      Roxie Toburen

      Where are we suppose to place that we finished a particular workout I just hit the Facebook spot that says I completed this workout?

      • #153715
        Mere W.

        Hey Roxie…right below the video on the website there is a box that you can type in to comment.  That’s where you will comment.Comment box



    • #153618
      Suzanne Morrison

      Can’t find the link to these chat rooms on your website? I can only access thru the link that Cat sent in the email yesterday?

      Would like to be able to post right away like we could in FB. Is there a way?

      • #153716
        Mere W.

        Hey Suzanne…on the menu bar you can go to More+ then SSoD Community Forum


        Community Forum

    • #153623

      Go to menu button on the web sight. Go to more and then hit the SSOA forum link.

    • #154314
      Julie Varga

      I did the workouts this week but my first workout I had commented on. Facebook as I did not see the comment box until my second workout.  🙁

      • #154535
        Mere W.

        Thanks for letting us know Julie!  We will add that in for ya.

    • #155104

      I am so desperate for a barbell class. Are there any on the web sight I might be missing?

      • #155429

        Hi Suzanne.  We’ve found only about 5% of pass holders have barbells at home so we don’t produce those for you.  You could use it in place of dumbbells for a lot of moves in the Sculpt classes though!

      • #155430

        Hi Suzanne.  We’ve found only about 5% of pass holders have barbells at home so we don’t produce those for you.  You could use it in place of dumbbells for a lot of moves in the Sculpt classes though!

    • #156723
      Karla Malm

      Hi Cat,

      I loved your core class you just taped.

      I wanted to ask if you will be incorporating modifications for some of the moves.

      some of my injuries keep me from having the ROM or strength to complete many classes but I would like to be braver to try more of the strength classes

      Keep up the great work guys!

      Love what spinning has done for me 🙂


      • #156886

        Hi Karla-  Can you please send me a link to the class you’re referring to so I am clear on which you mean?  Also, what are your limitations right now?

    • #156887
      Jenni Olson

      Is there a way I can see all of the comments I’ve made during this challenge?  I think I may have been on too much of an endorphin high and mis-numbered my workouts.  Thanks!

      • #156983
        Mere W.

        Endorphins are a good thing!  I see comments on 5 workouts the first & second week, then 2 so far this week.  Does that help you out 🙂

    • #157207
      Karla Malm

      HI Cat

      Here is an example of a class with core that would be too difficult for me.

      My limitations are pelvic instability and weak core, previous back injury-so I am very cautious about dynamic moves.

      Not sure how to reply to my original post (and it is too late to try too hard!) ps I think I will try this class out again as I just realized how awesome Brian and Rebecca!

      • #157562

        Hey Karla-  I hear you, but you can always modify the core movements in any of our workouts.  For stuff on your back, keep your legs higher, for plank moves go from your knees, etc.  We try to be good about giving lots of modifications too.  The trainers best at that are myself and AJ I think, but most are pretty good about that.  Rebecca might be the toughest to get that from, but don’t let any class scare you off.  Just keep trying and listen to your body.  Challenge your limits, don’t be limited by your challenges right!  BUT, be safe.

    • #157522
      Jackie Moore

      Hoping this is the right thread for this question, Cat or Mere.  I would say I started at ground zero right after the first of the year with a primary goal of losing weight. I got a stationary bike for Christmas and immediately joined SSOD.  It has been an awesome journey so far.   It had been a number of years since I had a consistent workout plan in my life. I have always liked training with a heart rate monitor and am doing so now while spinning.  It has been great to feel and see the improvements I’ve made in a few short weeks… improved stamina, ability to complete classes that I couldn’t when I first tried, weight loss, toning to name a few. But here is my question: would I be better to back off my resistance in order to lower my heart rate since my primary goal is weight loss?   I find that I am training largely in the 70 to 90% max rate;  my heart rate is running 150-180 bpm for upwards of 75% of the length of my workout. I feel it’s sustainable and hope that I will see my heart rate drop if I continue.  In other words I attribute the higher heart rate to my not being in good condition. I’m trying to work my way back to a higher level of cardio fitness.  I am concerned that reducing the resistance will not give me what I need for the hill work or parts of class where we need to be out of saddle.  I feel good after workouts. The weight is coming off. I’m hoping that in time  if I continue at this pace, as my cardio level of fitness improves that my heart rate will naturally drop for the same type of work out.   I hope that makes sense and for the record I am 48 years old, started at 146.8 pounds have dropped to 140 pounds, I am working my way to 130 and am a former college athlete   (too many years ago).

      • #157566

        Hi Jackie-  First of all, I’m so proud of you for everything you’ve done.  Just awesome. What a year.

        Rather than re-iterate a lot of conversations on this topic I thought I’d send you a link to the vlogs we’ve done on this subject so take a watch!  I think it’ll help.

        In general I am a “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” girl, and you’re experiencing gains, so why stop doing what you’re doing!?!  Just make sure you make sure the numbers you’re seeing are right.  We talk about that in one of the vlogs above.  And there is NOTHING wrong (in your case) with being anywhere between 80 and 90%.  Most SSoD workouts will put you there the bulk of class for good reason.

        Last thing I’d add… make sure you’re lifting.  Are you doing Spin Sculpts, Boot Camps, Strength & Stamina classes, etc?  If not, please start mama.  They are the ticket, I’m telling ya.


    • #157567

      Hi Cat and Mere! I am doing o.k with the challenge with the 3 classes I got to 4 on the first 3 weeks.I train the best during the weekend so, just so I dont mess up in the last week, do Saturday the 4th training count on is it finish then.If it doesnt I will make sure that I have the numbers not to finish ”en queue de poisson”. 🙂

      • #157811

        Yes ma’am.  You have until Sunday actually so you’re all good!

    • #158671
      Julie Varga

      Cat and gang,

      Thanks for the awso.e challenge.  I finished it off with 7 workouts this week and am down a total of 14 ponds over the 4 weeks.  Just a quick question.  When we are out of the saddle I can never get to RPM’s that I need to be at.  Usually am no higher then the low 60’speed.  Any suggestions on how to get there?  Hope you guys do another challenge soon!


    • #159777

      Hi!  Just wondering if I missed the drawing😁

      • #159947
        Mere W.

        Hey Suzanne – Check Facebook…we posted the video there on Friday!

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