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  • in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #157562

    Hey Karla-  I hear you, but you can always modify the core movements in any of our workouts.  For stuff on your back, keep your legs higher, for plank moves go from your knees, etc.  We try to be good about giving lots of modifications too.  The trainers best at that are myself and AJ I think, but most are pretty good about that.  Rebecca might be the toughest to get that from, but don’t let any class scare you off.  Just keep trying and listen to your body.  Challenge your limits, don’t be limited by your challenges right!  BUT, be safe.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #157556

    Wow Terry & Marie-  That is fantastic!


    There is so much debate on that subject isn’t there.  For me it’s all about balance.  I have switched away from non-fat dairy as a choice.  I do however just get a smaller portion and of low-fat, not non-fat when it comes to my latte.  Same with my coffee creamer.  I use regular half and half, but only 1 tsp.  That way the calories are still low, but I’m using the whole product.  Does that make sense?  Again, that my choice, but let’s see what others have to say.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #157555

    We all need to, but not bad for our first try.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #157554

    Final week here we come!!!  Hey Guys & Gals, I just wanted to encourage you to almost Hell Week this last week.  I challenge you to get in 5 workout days and make one a double day!  You don’t have to of course, you just have to get in your 3 at a minimum, BUT… I think it’d be fun to see how many of you take on a Hell Week for this last week.  And if you can’t do 6 workouts, how many can you do?  What is possible?  Love to hear about it.  When it’s over it’ll feel like heaven. 🙂  GO TEAM GO!

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #157103

    That must have been one good Spin Sculpt class!  😉  PS-  Did you get an email saying I replied?

    in reply to: Nutrition Plan Q&A #156888

    Hey lady.  Lots of options depending on your mood.  I usually personally just use like a cap full of olive oil and splash of red wine vinegar or balsamic, plus a little pepper.  Also a little olive oil with a squeeze of lemon is refreshing!  Oh, that’s generally for like a 2 cups of greens sized salad. Hope that helps!

    in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #156886

    Hi Karla-  Can you please send me a link to the class you’re referring to so I am clear on which you mean?  Also, what are your limitations right now?

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156103

    How are you alive after this?  Ha!  What class was it?

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156102

    That’s an awesome workout Heather.  Glad to be a part of it.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156101

    So… you pushed it?  Ha!  NICE Mich!

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156100

    So… you pushed it?  Ha!  NICE Mich!

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156099

    That’s a lot of MEPs!  Thanks for rockin’ out with us.  Memories.  Ha.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156098

    Hi Julie-  The other 2 are on point.  We’ve had people lose over 100 pounds as sisters and brothers here at SSoD.  You will be among them.  AND…. keep it off.  I will personally come kick you butt if you do all the hard work to get there then backslide, so it ain’t happenin’.  Hear me?  Commit to one day at a time.  Make sure you have a good support system.  That’s so important right.  And, I really want to stress based on what i’ve seen that when you have weeks where you don’t see a drop in weight, and you will, to not give up.  It’s discouraging, but it’s also par for the game.  Just keep doing what works most weeks and you’ll be there in no time.  Go take a class with our trainer Olga.  She lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off.  Added motivation right there.  She just had a baby so we’ll get new classes with her soon.  Anyway, keep on keepin’ on, and we’ll lead the way with your workouts.  XO.  Cat

    in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #155430

    Hi Suzanne.  We’ve found only about 5% of pass holders have barbells at home so we don’t produce those for you.  You could use it in place of dumbbells for a lot of moves in the Sculpt classes though!

    in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #155429

    Hi Suzanne.  We’ve found only about 5% of pass holders have barbells at home so we don’t produce those for you.  You could use it in place of dumbbells for a lot of moves in the Sculpt classes though!

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