Jessica Janek

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  • in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #158737
    Jessica Janek

    OK so didn’t quite manage to get hell week done, I only got in 4 workouts this week but I did manage a double day so that was good. Anyhoo, this challenge has been awesome and I’m going to carry on with the routine I’ve established. Thanks Cat and Mere this has been lots of fun!

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #158267
    Jessica Janek

    Just wanted say loving the new locks Cat! Foxy 😉

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #157590
    Jessica Janek

    I agree with Cat, it’s all about balance. The issue with some low fat options is that they are high in sugar, take low fat yoghurt for instance; nearly twice the sugar as regular yoghurt. I buy plain Greek yoghurt and then I add my own fruit. It’s summer here down under so the berries are in season and in winter I buy frozen, just as good.


    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #157589
    Jessica Janek

    Week 3! Argh I only got 2 workouts in this week. I’ve had the week off, been busy renovating our house, up and down ladders, painting. So yeah still physically active just not the traditional workout

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #155088
    Jessica Janek

    I totally agree. You’re here, you’re doing something. You’ve actually already done the hardest thing and that’s decide to make a change. The weight you’ve lost already is awesome; 5lbs is nothing to sneeze at. Your SSOD family has got your back! Keep moving everyday and one day you’ll look back and think “wow what was I worried about? I got this in the bag”

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154864
    Jessica Janek

    Thanks heaps Cat, good tip to try different trainers. I definitely don’t get enough spin and sculpt classes in that’s for sure. I’ll aim to do at least 2 in this 2nd week and see if I notice a difference.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154577
    Jessica Janek

    Hey fellow challengers. Question about intensity. I have been spinning regularly for about 2 years now and I find that I don’t get that sore anymore unless I do a weight training style workout. My heartrate is always in the right zone and I can feel the next day that I’ve worked out but I don’t get the “oh my gosh I’m really sore” feeling anymore. Am i working out hard enough?


    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154183
    Jessica Janek

    OK so week one is nearly over and so far I’ve managed to get in three workouts. I’m planning to do another one today and that will be 4. I’m loving this challenge so far but I’ve also decided to challenge myself to lay off the alcohol for the 4 weeks. This is where I’m struggling a bit. I’m not a big drinker in that I limit it to just the weekends; but it’s the weekend here in Oz and it’s hot! Any tips to help me get through?

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