Jackie Moore

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  • in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #157522
    Jackie Moore

    Hoping this is the right thread for this question, Cat or Mere.  I would say I started at ground zero right after the first of the year with a primary goal of losing weight. I got a stationary bike for Christmas and immediately joined SSOD.  It has been an awesome journey so far.   It had been a number of years since I had a consistent workout plan in my life. I have always liked training with a heart rate monitor and am doing so now while spinning.  It has been great to feel and see the improvements I’ve made in a few short weeks… improved stamina, ability to complete classes that I couldn’t when I first tried, weight loss, toning to name a few. But here is my question: would I be better to back off my resistance in order to lower my heart rate since my primary goal is weight loss?   I find that I am training largely in the 70 to 90% max rate;  my heart rate is running 150-180 bpm for upwards of 75% of the length of my workout. I feel it’s sustainable and hope that I will see my heart rate drop if I continue.  In other words I attribute the higher heart rate to my not being in good condition. I’m trying to work my way back to a higher level of cardio fitness.  I am concerned that reducing the resistance will not give me what I need for the hill work or parts of class where we need to be out of saddle.  I feel good after workouts. The weight is coming off. I’m hoping that in time  if I continue at this pace, as my cardio level of fitness improves that my heart rate will naturally drop for the same type of work out.   I hope that makes sense and for the record I am 48 years old, started at 146.8 pounds have dropped to 140 pounds, I am working my way to 130 and am a former college athlete   (too many years ago).

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #153696
    Jackie Moore

    Not sure this will post as a reply where I expect but…thanks Cat and Mere for your replies.  Can tell I’m dialing it in w/each class. Love trying new instructors.  I really started at ground zero so muscle strength not there yet–but getting better. Feeling great. Sleeping well. Overall health and energy is way up.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #152843
    Jackie Moore

    So happy to have found SSOD.  For several years, I incorporated stationary biking as the regular cardio piece of my workout at a local gym.  I always loved it.  Wore a monitor. Often did interval programs.  Have been slack for the last few years and without a regular fitness routine in my life.  As the pounds added and years passed, I lamented my shape of years gone by and knew I needed to find that “thing” again that I really enjoyed. My workouts just hadn’t been regular/often enough to get to any consistently good shape.

    My husband gave me a stationary bike for Christmas (lifecycle gx). I started with the intro Youtube class and I joined SSOD shortly after. I figured joining this group would help me stay on task in these early weeks and give me the chance to figure out which instructors and classes I like best.  Mere is an early favorite!

    I’m trying to get used to the lingo different instructors use–and what it means for me.  My bike has levels (1-19)…does that equate to gears? I’m thinking– not really.  If they say “you should be at 70%,” does that mean of what I think my max effort is–or 70% resistance. When they say this is a jog vs a walk vs a run, do I just use their cadence as a guide or what I think equates to my walking , jogging, running pace…. I know it will all come in time as I spend more time spinning.  Or maybe there’s an “instructor lingo conversion for dummies” report somewhere.  😉 It’s been a great start.

    I did screw up my first two check-in comments as “FFP” rather than “FFS.”  Please count them. I’ll get it right from here.

    Thanks Cat and Mere.

    Jackie~Richmond, VA

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