Mere W.

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156876
    Mere W.

    Way to get in 5 workouts!  And of course thanks for all the positivity 🙂

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #156875
    Mere W.

    I see a lotta red in there…oh wait that class was full of sprints 😉

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154819
    Mere W.

    Heather – glad you enjoyed the free day!  So were those few extra pounds over the holidays?  That’s a typical trend and sticking with this diet should help you drop those few you might have gained.  You can switch your BSP to tone up or lose weight for a while then go back to adding strength, but remember not to focus to much on the scale!  Factor in how your clothes are feeling…are they a little too tight then go with tone up or lose weight, then if they are a little loser go back to strength.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154818
    Mere W.

    I’m jealous you don’t like cookies…that’s my weakness!  I love cookies, the only good thing is I really only like homemade ones.  Just keep at it and take it one meal at a time!

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154815
    Mere W.

    Glad you are getting back at it Doe!  Soon that hour class will be feeling easy…oh wait like that ever happens 😉

    in reply to: Nutrition Plan Q&A #154814
    Mere W.

    Hey Suzanne…so I’ve been having that same problem!  We are working on figuring out the solution.  I have been using Chrome to reply and read the board.  Try Chrome out and see if that fixes it for you.

    in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #154535
    Mere W.

    Thanks for letting us know Julie!  We will add that in for ya.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154534
    Mere W.

    Hey Suzanne…mistakes happen.  Big key is getting back on track immediately!  It’s not about saying oh tomorrow…it’s ok that happened let’s get back to eating right right now.  We are here for ya and know you’ve got this!

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #154529
    Mere W.

    Terry and Marie…welcome!  Time to start making comments, I swear we are a friendly bunch 🙂  Glad to hear you are sticking to it and getting those workouts in.  Yes the temptation is so hard, especially with all the kids food around.  Do your best to help them out and get them eating healthier like you too!  They will appreciate that later in life.

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #153722
    Mere W.

    Wow Meg…all the way from India!  Welcome 🙂

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #153721
    Mere W.

    Well I’m sure everyone in DSW appreciated that shower first 🙂 Great first week, keep it up!

    in reply to: Challenger Chat Room #153720
    Mere W.

    Tiffany…all good!  Illnesses happen, what matters is how you come back after.  Stay at that low intensity and get better.

    in reply to: Nutrition Plan Q&A #153717
    Mere W.

    Thanks Michelle for the Cauliflower idea!  Suzanne…we aren’t pushing the calories, just remember eat till you feel full and STOP!  Don’t stuff yourself.

    in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #153716
    Mere W.

    Hey Suzanne…on the menu bar you can go to More+ then SSoD Community Forum


    Community Forum

    in reply to: Questions for the Board Moderator #153715
    Mere W.

    Hey Roxie…right below the video on the website there is a box that you can type in to comment.  That’s where you will comment.Comment box



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