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The best hotel gyms for Spinning

The best hotel gyms for Spinning

Keep working out while traveling on business! We all know how tough staying fit on business trips can be. You slack off once, then twice, pretty soon you’re lining up at the buffet and your amazing Spinning routine is only


How to Master the Renegade Row. Proper form for a Renegade body sculpting exercises with free weights

How to Master the Renegade Row. Proper form for a Renegade.

The Renegade Row is a multi-joint and muscle exercise that does wonders for your back, chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, and core! Studio SWEAT onDemand’s Founder, Cat Kom is here to give you the best tips to do a Renegade right!

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Best Exercise to Perk Up That Butt! How to do a Curtsy Lunge Right.

Best Exercise to Perk Up That Butt! How to do a Curtsy Lunge Right.

Curtsies don’t only belong in the ballet studio, they also belong in your workout. Why? Because curtsy lunges are one of the BEST exercises to firm up your buns and Cat Kom and sidekick Bethany are gonna show you how

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What’s a fat burning HIIT workout at home?

Oh, only the best, most effective full body routines for fat loss, that’s what! Everybody is talking about it. Everybody is doing it. But what’s a HIIT workout really? It’s simply the best and most effective routine for fat burning.


The Best Exercises at Your Desk - Posture Exercises at Your Desk.

The Best Exercises at Your Desk – Posture Exercises at Your Desk.

Fellow desk dwellers… this one’s for you! Chances are you spend more time at our desk than you do anything else in life. While sitting all day might not seem physically demanding, it can cause some severe strain on your

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What’s the difference between a diet and nutrition? Is dieting bad for you?

What’s the difference between a diet and nutrition? Is dieting bad for you?

When a healthy lifestyle is mentioned, the words ‘nutrition’ and ‘diet’ are always the keywords used. While many use these words interchangeably, diet and nutrition are not the same, at least not in how most people use them. Although closely

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How Well Do You Know Olga?

When it comes to Studio SWEAT Trainer Olga, we all know her as the Russian firecracker who keeps workouts relatively simple, while brutally effective! Every class is overflowing with energy, sweat, and often a Madonna classic, but who is “Olganator”


Why do my Knees Hurt From Spinning? Exercises to reduce knee pain from cycling.

Why do my Knees Hurt From Spinning? Exercises to reduce knee pain from cycling.

With all the benefits that come with cycling, knee pain seems to be one downside for some riders. The good news is that there are definitely ways to minimize this problem so you can continue riding until you’re 100! Studio

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Top 15 Reasons to Spin® it Out!

SSoD founder, Cat Kom, is constantly asked, “Are Spinning® classes hard?” Her reply,  “Yes, well sure they are, but the good news is that anyone can take them, and the paybacks are totally worth it.” She is spot on Plus,


Soreness in the Saddle. Why is my butt so sore from a Spinning® Class? Cycling Seat Pain.

Soreness in the Saddle. Why is my butt so sore from a Spinning Class? Cycling Seat Pain.

After my first Spinning® class, my butt and my girl parts hurt! Like, “What the heck” hurt, ya know. But, let me get right to the good news… it’s temporary, and before you know it, the saddle soreness will be

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How Well Do You Know Cat Kom?

Everyone knows that Cat Kom is simply one of the best motivators around, especially when it comes to burning it up during a workout! By starting Studio SWEAT & Studio SWEAT onDemand, Cat has not only inspired people in San


Stand-Up Desks: The Why & How

standing desk

If you’ve taken SSoD classes before, you’ve probably seen the guy behind the camera in the mirrors at some point. That’s me. You also might have noticed that I do a lot of standing when filming these online Spin® classes.


Fixing the Biggest Mistake People Make with TRX Ab Exercises

Fixing the Biggest Mistake People Make with TRX Ab Exercises

“So, let me get this straight Cat, you’re suggesting I strap my feet into a device suspended in mid-air, and then assume a push-up position, is that right?”, says the person with a glaring look of hesitation on their face

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Top 10 Reasons Men Should Do Spinning Workouts

Top 10 Reasons Men Should Do Spinning Workouts!

When it comes to Spinning, many guys view it as a feminine workout and “something your wife or girlfriend does on a Sunday morning.” But why? Is it not manly enough? Is it too easy? Ha! Ummm, no… it’s legit

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Strength Training or Cardio, which is best to do first

Strength Training or Cardio, which is best to do first!? Cat Kom will tell ya!

Ah… the age-old question: cardio or strength training, which one should you tackle first if doing them both in the same day? Although there is no “right” answer due to various studies supporting both sides, Cat Kom is here to

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