Best exercises to improve posture. How to fix bad posture.
Bethany and AJ talk about exercises that could help improve your posture!
Bethany and AJ talk about exercises that could help improve your posture!
Hey Fit Fam! This month I want to address sleep. I was always a solid sleeper. Never an issue, until recently. I started experiencing insomnia after getting a new job, new engagement, new house, grieving a pet, and a back
Ever wonder what these Fit Expo things are that we get so excited about? Check out this highlight reel created by SSoDer’s very own Eric Perez of our experience at the Fit Expo Anaheim 2016. He captures it well here!
Hey all you SSoDers! We just wanted to let you know of a cool new feature that we’re testing out on a couple of videos. We’ve had several requests asking for subtitles (as well as English captions) for our classes,
Trainer Cat Kom and her buddy Diana share their favorite tip on how to get to sleep when your mind just won’t turn off! You gotta try it!
Brian and Mere W. represent Studio SWEAT and Studio SWEAT onDemand in the 22 pushup challenge! #44pushups for #22kill Click HERE for more information about the pushup challenge.
Hello fit and fab friends! This month I am going back to some food product highlights that might make you happy. Why? Well, because these are snack foods and quickie meals. I notice more and more how joyful you feel
Cat Kom, Bethany, and Brian talk about the advantages and disadvantages of coffee, and the best protein in coffee option! LINKS: Advantages and Disadvantages of Coffee Article: http://www.warriorcoffee.com/news/2/12-health-benefits-and-6-disadvantages-of-coffee-smashing-it 20% off BuzzFit Promo Code: “STUDIOSWEAT” http://buzzfit.com/
Studio SWEAT’s go to Registered Dietitian, Miriam, and Cat Kom talk gluten. Is it really bad for you? If you go gluten free what SHOULD you eat. Who should and who should not necessarily go gluten free? Let’s find out!
This month I’m focusing on plant forward meals. Why? Well…it’s been in my face a lot this month so that means I must share with you. You’ll see why below. Being a Vegetarian I want you to know that I’m
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about resistance on a Spin bike.
Cat Kom and Bethany show proper form for the Tricep Kickback.
We’re about to send Flat Cat off! #FlatCat If you want to participate, email Mere at ondemandsupport@studiosweat.com
SSoD R.D., Miriam, Approved & Tested! Hello my fit fam! This month I am highlighting some star food brands that I have had the pleasure of discovering and nourishing my body with. They are all EASY foods. Meaning,
Each Round should take 5 to 6 minutes – So do as many rounds as you can! 1. Inch Worm Push-Up 50 yards (25 yards each direction, or 25 reps in place) 2. Bear Crawl (25 yards each direction, or
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about foods that have more sugar than you might think.
Hey Studio SWEATers! I want to highlight the latest research and news on the Biggest Loser contestants. It’s fascinating on many levels. My goal here is to un-glamourize the show (I’m sorry for those who are attached to
Tips: 1) Get the song tempo using an app like DJ Player 2) Do not do jumps to songs faster then 85bpm. bpm is the same as rpm btw! 3) Have a plan and know the song (jumps the entire