Quick, Easy & Proper Bike Setup for Indoor Cycling / Spinning
This is a must know. If you’re set up right, it’s an amazing workout. If you’re not, you can actually hurt yourself!
This is a must know. If you’re set up right, it’s an amazing workout. If you’re not, you can actually hurt yourself!
What up people!? Are you keeping up on your workouts as we REALLY start into the Holidays? Below MJ is gonna talk to you more about handling temptations based on her experience and educated opinion, but I’m gonna tell you
Cat Kom and Bethany talk about how many days you should workout per week to meet your individual fitness and health goals.
Also discussed in PROTEIN. How much do YOU need?
Trainers Cat Kom and Bethany talk about the differences between clipping in and using the toe cage when it comes to Spinning®, and which one makes for a better ride. Plus which shoes are best? We’ll tell you our opinion!
SSoD’ers from around the world tell us why they love Spinning®!
Have knee issues but still want to strengthen your lower body? Check out these knee-friendly exercises you can do!
Quick Read with 10 Easy Must Do Tips
What NOT to do if you have bad knees!
Yes, it can happen to you! Learn More about Cat’s Sister’s 11 month Journey.
Cat Kom interview endurance athlete, Rebecca, to get the inside scoop on how she trains so hard and is so dang lean!
Watch this to learn bike set up, terminology, how to navigate in indoor cycling class & more! MUST WATCH!
Lose Weight? Tone Up? Gain Muscle? Maintain my Current Weight & Fitness Level? The short answer is… as many as you can, while still giving those muscles that need and time to recover. Cat Kom and Bethany are here to
Exercise is supposed to help your body look and feel better. If it’s not, let’s figure out why.
Is it safe? Is is smart? Cat and Bethany talk about this and a few other fun things in one of their first ever videos together. They seem to be a little hopped up on caffeine btw. Just sayin’.
Look… at Studio SWEAT onDemand we give you what you need to burn the fat off and build beautiful lean body mass (A.K.A. muscle), and you need that, but you also need to control what you put in your pie
Fact or Fiction?