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Tips on How to REALLY Achieve Your Fitness Goals trainer tip video

Tips on How to REALLY Achieve Your Fitness Goals

with Cat Kom & Master Mike A lot has been written and recorded on goal setting, yet in the fitness world, how often we see goals set and then set aside. Cat Kom is joined by Master Mike to talk

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Building the Perfect Home Gym #3: On a Budget

yoga mat at home

  In our Building the Perfect Home Gym series, we’ve already talked about creating the sweetest sweat space for those living in small spaces, as well as those with an expansive garage and money to burn. But what about those


The Benefits of Pilates

pilates workout online

  When it comes to muscle building, there are basically two approaches – work the stuff you can see… or work the stuff you can’t. And although many of us are tempted to just focus on those glamorous, “this-way-to-the-gun-show” muscles,


Intuitive Eating for the Holidays

healthy eating during the holidays

  When the holidays roll around, most of us are usually filled with a mix of emotions. On the one hand, there’s the joy of being around our loved ones (safely, of course) as well as the anticipation for all


Outdoor Exercises that Help With Anxiety


by Contributing Writer:  Cilian   Stress and anxiety form an unfortunate but inevitable part of everyone’s life. Medical statistics show that over half of the global population experience stressful or anxious moments at least once every day. According to a recent


How to Do a Tricep Kickback with Good Form. THE BEST ARM EXERCISE EVERYONE CAN DO!

Want Sexy Arms? Tricep Kickbacks 101.

How to do a Tricep Kickback with good form. Amazing tips & tricks. While it’s likely that Cat Kom has a lot of “favorite exercises”, the tricep kickback is one she REALLY loves as a trainer because it’s one that

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trainer talk #11 with Carolyn

Trainer Talk #11 with Carolyn!

Check out SSoD Trainer Talk #11 with Carolyn! These Trainer Talks are live-streamed to our Facebook Page (, and we make it available here if you missed it. However, the benefit of joining us live is that you get to

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Breathing Tips for Better Cardio

Breathing Tips for Better Cardio

  Ok…(huff)…do you ever…(puff)…have a little trouble…(huff)…breathing…during your…(puff)…workouts? (We might have to sit down for this one.) But seriously, it’s time to talk about your breathing. Like most people we know, you’ve probably been breathing since the moment someone first


The Benefits of Barre

online barre workout

  Ballet. The name alone probably conjures up images of tutus, tight (hair) buns, and sore feet balancing en pointe (on their tippy toes). But would you believe that the ballet is the impetus for one of the toughest workouts


How to get the most out of a Bicep Curl.

How to get the most out of a Bicep Curl

Dos and do nots… broken down by Cat & Bethany You’re going to see them in just about any Studio SWEAT Sculpt class – bicep curls (or some variation of them). While the exercise is basic, it can still be

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How to Relieve Neck Pain When Spinning trainer tip video

How to Relieve Neck Pain When Spinning

And… How to Relax the Back While on the Bike Recently, one of our Komrades, Carrie in Arizona, asked for some info and tips on how to keep your neck, shoulders, and back relaxed while on a Spin Bike. Cat

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Building the Perfect Home Gym #1: Small Spaces

Building the Perfect Home Gym #1 - Small Spaces

  So you’re ready to get proactive, take your fitness in your hands, and build your very own home gym! You’re definitely not alone – the home fitness movement has been spreading like crazy, and it’s no wonder! Instead of


Workouts that Boost Your Immune System

Workouts that Boost Your Immune System

  With flu season just around the corner (not to mention that whole, ya know, pandemic thing), we thought it might be a good idea to look at one of the best ways to boost your immunity – exercise! That’s


Shorter Workouts More Often, or Longer Workouts Less Frequently

Shorter Workouts More Often, or Longer Workouts Less Frequently

Which is best? We recently got a question from one of our Komrades, Karen from California, asking which is better – shorter workouts more often, or longer workouts with more rest days in between? No surprise, Karen isn’t the only

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The Benefits of TRX Training

the benefits of trx training

  OK, that looks scary as sh…tuff, right!? I mean, are you seriously asking me to stick my feet in a couple of straps hanging from the ceiling and just hold on for dear life? Are you insane? Well, maybe