Hi Cat,
You don't know me, but like many others I know you from your amazing On Demand Spin® Classes. I wanted to personally write and say "Thank You."
I've always been a runner from a very young age and had lost all motivation and needed a change. I am so happy I found your website and bought a bike. Your Spin® classes are out of this world. You have changed my half ass attitude with such addicting workouts, (I take them like M&M's!) I actually enjoy working out again and cannot believe in only 2 month's how my body has changed (finally I am starting to defy gravity.) Thank you for motivating me and making me ache in places I forgot existed not to mention making me believe in myself and my capabilities to push my body to the extremes. Attitude is everything.
I got on the treadmill today for the first time in 2 month's and couldn't believe the difference.
Hopefully, one day I will make it out to San Diego to have you kick my ass in person, on the bike!
I look forward to taking many more of your online workouts so please keep them coming.