Walk, Run, Race FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How can I watch the video if I am walking or running? These challenge workouts are made for the treadmill, but you can also use them to run outside. You can stream the training videos on your personal device and watch (or just listen) as you walk or run on the treadmill. The workout will have lots of trainer tips and advice, and it’ll keep you company!
  • What if I am slower than the trainer’s pace? The workouts will be the length of an average walker or runner to go 5K. You go at your own pace. Those training on a treadmill can finish when we say times up, and those outside can turn around at the halfway point.  Don’t worry, the videos will guide you, but again, you will set the pace and intensity.
  • What if I don’t want to walk or run in a community event? Studio SWEAT onDemand is creating a “race” so that you can do a virtual race if you prefer. Many people will. Some people will walk or run the SSoD virtual race a few days prior to their planned RACE day, as well.
  • What other benefits will there be to training with SSoD? Sure! Anyone can walk or run on their own. But, this program was created to give you workouts you can do on the treadmill that are not impacted by weather. Also, following the training progression by starting with the walk, continuing to the run and ending with the race will prepare your body for the challenge. Finally, your SSoD trainers will have plenty of tips and tricks to share which will help keep you motivated all the way to the finish line.
  • Do we watch the same video over and over? We have 4 videos for you.
    • Video 1 is a dynamic warm-up video that you can take before each walk, run or race. Once you watch and follow it a few times you might have the warm-up exercises nailed and choose to not watch this again, but it’s there for you if you need it. To stay injury free we strongly encourage you to do dynamic warming up before each workout.
    • Video 2 is the walk to jog video. It’s all based on timed intervals and is a great base builder. We suggest you follow along with this video 2 to 3 times per week for weeks 1, 2 and 3.
    • Video 2 is the jog to run video. In this video we start to work on building distance as you enter the second half of your training. We suggest you follow along with this video 2 to 3 times per week for weeks 4, 5 and 6.
    • Video 3 is the Race video! Yes! You’re ready. We will race with you, motivate you and finish with you, but you will still be able to go at your own pace. You will play this video when you’re training is complete! Or, you can jump in a race in your community. Either way, you’ll be raring and ready.
  • What is the training calendar? The workouts will be available to stream on May 21st beginning with the Walk to Jog Training on a Treadmill. On or about June 4th, Studio SWEAT onDemand will release the Jog to Run video on the Treadmill. And, then by June 18th SSoD will release the Race video (or you will compete in the 5K Race you have chosen). The challenge will run four to eight weeks depending on you.

May 21st      Challenge Begins (Walk 5/21-6/10)
June 11th      Challenge Continues (Run 6/11- 7/1)
July 1st    Time to Race! (Race 7/1 – 7/15)

More Questions?
Email wellness@nuvasive.com