Killer 20 Minute Spin Workout with Cat Kom
Equipment: Indoor Cycling Bike
A top Google search term is, “Are Spinning classes hard?”. My answer is this, “I hope so!” Unless you’re looking for a recovery ride (which there is a time and place for), then you bet your buns that Spinning classes are hard, but they are what you make them, especially with a streaming Spin class.
In this killer 20 minute Spinning workout, you can burn a lot of calories in a short time if that’s your goal. Cat Kom brings the music and the motivation, you just need to bring the drive. Train with purpose and you’ll reap the reward!
*Don’t forget to stretch!*
Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch:;
Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes:;
- Class Type: 30 Minute Spin
- Trainer: Cat Kom
- Date: December 3, 2017
- Length: 21:56
- SWEAT Scale:
1-3 Sweat Drops:
Low to Moderate Intensity
4-5 Sweat Drops:
Moderate to High Intensity
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