Total Body Pull Workout
Equipment: Dumbbells / Resistance Band
Did you know that most people don’t do enough pulling-type movements in their fitness programs? Front side (push) workouts may be more popular, but you’ve gotta balance out your body movements for better posture, fewer injuries, and even better performance on the push moves. We’re giving you this interval-style class filled with 11 pull exercises for your whole body to get it done. Using dumbbells and a resistance band, you’ll cycle through two sets that incorporate all the pulling movements for a fat-blaster that’s also balancing your muscle strength. The only push you need to do is on the play button. Let’s do this!
*Don’t forget to stretch!*
Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch:
Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes:
- Class Type: Body Sculpt
- Trainer: Sam
- Date: July 4, 2021
- Length: 27:00
- SWEAT Scale:
1-3 Sweat Drops:
Low to Moderate Intensity
4-5 Sweat Drops:
Moderate to High Intensity
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