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Cardio Sculpt April 4, 2017 – TONED UP MAMAS (Perfect for Pre, Post, and Even During Your Pregnancy!)

Equipment: Dumbbells

This amazing cardio sculpt workout is geared towards the glowing mommy-to-be, but all are encouraged to take it, and we promise… you will be challenged! It may even humble you.

All you need is a medium set of weights (all relative), a mat (if you have one), a towel (you’ll need this for sure cuz it’s ’bout to get real!), and plenty of water (especially the mamas-to-be).

After a smart full-body warm up, we’ll begin 5 minutes of 2 exercises for 6 different sets. We pay attention to different planes of motion, while we use strength and endurance with that growing baby and “game day” in mind. Please consult your doctor prior to exercise, and as always, listen to your body!

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drive to 25#7 Miriam is in fantastic shape and on a higher level for sure, its tough for me to keep up, but that’s why I take her classes, goals!

8 months pregnant, 25 extra pounds on my frame, and sheltering at home due to Covid-19. No jumping for me! Love the workout and the extra water breaks to be mindful of body temp. Thanks for keeping me moving mama.

11 years post menopause, I am truly humbled by this workout. I grew to like the 2 move, 5 minute routines because I could set my own pace. Sorry Miriam even when you are 6 months pregnant I couldn’t keep up, BUT, I could do 10 reps!

I have tried a couple of the full body workouts and I’m frustrated. I am 54, but I’m nimble and in pretty good shape. So far all of these classes move at too fast of a pace when you transition from one exercise to another which causes you to end up with bad form. Perhaps this is class and others like it are geared to much younger folks. Also it’s difficult for online users who aren’t set up like a gym to throw weights down to transition back and forth so fast. You always have the option to move slower or do less but it is mentally frustrating falling behind. I’m a fit person, but I just can’t transition between movements as quick as your very, very fit instructors. I wonder if others feel this way or maybe I’m just not the right demographic for SSOD classes. I’ll try a couple more, but I may have to just use your site for spin classes and seek out full body stuff elsewhere 🙁🙁🙁Spin classes are great and no problem keeping up in these classes. Love to push hard and get breathless. Just wanted to give you feedback because I imagine I’m not alone in feeling this way.

What ever you’re eating Miriam, I’d like in on the secret!!! You’re energy level is outta this world. You rock even when pregnant. Your babies is gonna come out running a marathon. Wish you all the best, love, hugs and baby happiness. 💪🏼❤️👍🏻

User Photo 45

Great class Miriam and congratulations mommy to be! This was a fast one. I fell about a set behind by the end of each 5 mins. Feeling good though! Thank you.

User Photo 2982

Miriam you are hardcore!! Thats from a non pregnant lady!! Congrats too really good to have some pre, post natal classes too you find there isn’t a lot out there for pregnant ladies. I managed to teach spin up until 36 weeks 🙂

User Photo 1763

Miriam!!! This was workout was no joke!! I sometimes was struggling to keep up with pregnant Miriam:) great class…anyone thinking it would be a breeze think again🔥🔥💪💪

User Photo 17530

This was a tough workout even for a non-pregnant lady! I can’t imagine being able to do this when I was 6 months pregnant (many moons ago). Miriam is in amazing shape. 🍼👍🏼

User Photo 17328

I knew Miriam would not dissapoint pregnant or not. Added some knee raises, heavy weights and weights in on some exercises. Awesome workout!

User Photo 227

Miriam – as fit and strong as you are, I knew this would be a tough one and it was!! Really enjoyed the challenge!! Thank you so much!!

User Photo 232

Excellent workout Miriam!! Non- pregnant ladies do not shy away from this tough workout – you will work hard for sure! Loved it Miriam – thank you!
Mary W.

User Photo 1357

Congrats Miriam, I workout out when I was expected and my son loved it. He would move alot when ever he heard the music.. great class and congrats again

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: April 4, 2017
  • Length: 48:13
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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