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Spin Core Class – December 20, 2012

Equipment: Indoor Cycling Bike # of Dismounts: Dismount Spots:

Get ready for some joy & pain! One minute it’s fast, furious & fun, the next it’s about strength, serious climbs & stamina. Motivation in the house. Feel it drive you. Warning, lil’ explicit music.

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User Photo 22713

Hey Cat..another 2012 Class I haven’t do e before..loved it..for a good sweat on..thanks to the’s now checked off..cheers.!!

User Photo 12208

Fantastic 50 minute spin with core work at the end! It’s all the favorites…breakaways, jumps, endurance, hills. I love the energy and fun of this fast paced class! Another awesome, sweaty workout. Thanks, Cat!

Found these gem lurking way back in 2012 and tackled it this morning. Actually, I think it tackled me, but in a good, sweaty way, of course! I just love all the options SSOD gives us here at home to torture our fat cells into oblivion. Thanks, Cat!

This was the only BSP class I did this week. I was in Turks and Caicos and indulged a bit. It was worth it though. Now, back in the game! Great class!

I feel like I deserve a medal for surviving this class. 691 calories torched and I worked hard for every last one. Brutal, Cat, but I loved it!

User Photo 8

Ya know what? I love that you said that. i just talked to someone that is super hard on themselves and I wish they felt the way you just said you did. I’m telling them that. Great burn. Great attitude.

Hello Cat! I am Silvia from France I bought my SSOD two months ago and I ll be working out 4 or 5 days per week I am addicted to your classes they are awsom great workout ever!!! I loved this class and you where counting in french !!!! Super Ça fait toujours plaisir….I will love to have your advise of how to build more body mass muscle, since Im a slim person (119 lb) .
I love to work hard and I LOVE SPINNING!!!!!! Any tip and advise will be moooost welcome!
Tks again for this amazing site!!!!!
P.s. my inglish is not perfect sorry.

User Photo 8

Hi Silvia- Trust me, your English is better than my French even though I took it for 4 years! Where do you live in France? I’m glad you found us! Shoot to do SpinSculpt at least twice per week and try the SpeedSculpts and TRX classes if you haven’t been doing those. They will help become more about fit and less about skinny. I know what you mean. Also, don’t be scared to go heavy! Get heavy dumbbells to use. Get 12s for your heavy weights and use them as many reps as you can, then drop to lighter weights when you NEED to! Challenge yourself to get stronger. Write down goals. Like… “Get through a SpinSculpt classs using 10s for my heavy weights and not miss a single rep!”

Thank you I will! right now Im using 6s for my hevy weights but I feel ready to challenge myself and go for the 10 s let see what happend….
I live in The north -east of françe Vittel in Lorrain region by the way.
Funny I feel like i know you forever since I watch and work out with you all the time… So tell me shall I keep post my questions like this or directrly on face book? I have lots of questions and things I Will love to know about training, and healthy diet…..
Thank’s again and have a great one!

Absolutely wicked class.. burned 1695 calories.. I’m gutted I cancelled my subscription 3 months ago.. I feel like I’m starting from scratch again.. Great to sweat.. I’ve missed it.. Really liked seeing other peoples heart rates.. gave me an idea of where I was at.. Looking forward to tomorrow!

On behalf of the ‘Heather’s’, thanks for the shout out!

Awesome work out. I have discovered I CAN do it two days in a row. Negative self-talk, what a waste of energy.

SSoD rocks!

Hi Cat!! great class, I just bought the AAC so I just watch this one. I’m preparing myself for coaching a class once a week. Any tip from you will be most welcome! Congratulations!! web site idea is great!! thank you!

User Photo 8

Thanks Ana! Good luck to you! Be inspiring! Be yourself. Hold people accountable to do THEIR best. Remind them they’re strong, but challenge them to get stronger and more fit every rep, every pedal stroke. Work hard yourself! Be confident!

User Photo 8

Sounds good, or maybe even “Getting thinner every day so watch out world!” Hint… only weigh yourself once per week. Dial in on that nutrition too! I see the best long lasting results with the Zone diet, which is 40-30-30. Look it up. Ima give you a shout out Matt my man. Watch for it.

Hey Cat – where have you been? My bad – too many vacations. Great workout coming back from that ski trip. Thanks for getting me back on track.

Happy New year to you and all the Sweaters out there!

Somebody give that girl a headband to keep that sweaty hair from slappin’ her in the face! :0). Joy and pain is right…pain during and joy when it was over!! Loved every hot sweaty moment Cat!!

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: December 20, 2012
  • Length: 1:05:31
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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