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Spin Sculpt: Losing Fat with Ladders & Lunges

Equipment: Dumbbells / Indoor Cycling Bike # of Dismounts: Dismount Spots:

Legs get ready, because you’re about to get worked! It all begins with a fast paced short hill climb, which then heads right into a 10 minute glute toning ladder drill. Then to really fire up the muscles in the buns and legs, we pop off the bike, grab those heavy dumbbells, and dive into a series of “Around the World” lunges. Nice. Don’t worry if you can’t do perfect lunges by the way; modifications are provided.

Next, we combine those lunges with some upper body moves to strengthen and sculpt the arms and shoulders, making this a fantastic full body workout! Back to our bikes for a second calorie torching ladder drill… this time it’s all about speed! We finish this amazing Cycle Sculpt class on the floor with more targeted back & core moves aimed at getting those muscles long & lean. Click play to play!

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: January 24, 2016
  • Length: 56:24
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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