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Spin Sculpt: Body Changer (You will be SORE!)

Equipment: Dumbbells / Indoor Cycling Bike # of Dismounts: Dismount Spots:

Cat said she got several notes from your San Diego buddies that took this class live within 30 minutes of calling it a cut. So there’s that. Ha. It’s a sick workout, but one everyone can do because of how it’s broken down. You only have to focus on 12 minutes at a time. Don’t look further than that. You get four 12 minute quarters as described below. Finish those, then cruise into a cool down and well deserved stretch. You will be SORE! That’s OK. It’s your body changing; growing leaner and meaner.

Quarter 1: The Dirty Dozen. Several rounds of creative, but simple strength training floor exercises that will carve you up!
Quarter 2: Intervals. Sprinting and Power Exercises on the bike aimed at taking your fitness to the next level.
Quarter 3. The Dirty Thirty: Grab your dumbbells for 30 second circuit rounds of “hurts so good” lean body mass building drills.
Quarter 4: Endurance. SWEAT soaking endurance riding where the focus is steady and strong.

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: October 30, 2014
  • Length: 1:04:43
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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