50 Minute Ride. Have you ever had one of those days where you’re just in a funk? Where your attitude just kind of sucks and your mood is, well simply said, bad? THAT is when you want to take this class, because unless you’re a robot that can’t feel emotion, this class is gonna lift you right out of that funk and into a good mood. And if you’re already feeling happy, you can get in on this too! It’s just gonna make you feel even better!
And, here’s the sneaky part – when it’s done, and without even realizing what happened, you’re gonna pop off that bike and into the puddle of sweat you personally created, then you’re gonna look in the mirror and see your body taking a new shape. Perhaps your mind too for that matter. NOW SMILE DANG IT! Let’s go.
BONUS: Want to add a little sculpting? If so, you’re gonna love a bonus 9 Minute Full Body Sculpting Blast available at the end of this 50 minute ride! You need a set of dumbbells to be able to do the optional bonus segment.
We all know that 2020 was a challenging year, that’s why we’re putting this downloadable 60-Minute Spin routine in the best app for Spinning classes, Studio SWEAT onDemand of course!
This is the “Run to 21 Ride,” where Cat drops her personal most played tracks from 2020 for you to pick up and run with. The workout is broken into 4 quarters: Speed Endurance, Climbing, Fun, and Interval Drills. Each quarter is unique. Each quarter is tough. But, as Cat always says, so are you. Let’s saddle up and run to 21 right… now!
Cat’s Top Played Spotify Songs of 2020: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1EM0ajO4xB6xwb?si=mO3fss9tQd-eu7_LKyDB1Q
The Best 45 minute onDemand Spinning class is right here, right now. So, hop on for this all business ride as we kick up our cardio with drills, fast flats, hills, and yep, even interval speed work!
I’m telling you… this is an hour long workout packed into a pocket size 45! More intense options are offered for an extra challenge, just as moderate options are given for those looking for a little less spice. No excuses. Just SWEAT. Rock on.