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World’s Best Spinning Class

Equipment: Indoor Cycling Bike

Don’t blink. You might miss this opportunity to take … The World’s best Spinning Class! Just hop on your bike, commit and get ready to crush some calories. It’s a tag team effort so you gotta bring your “A” game for not only 1, but 2 instructors! Brian starts things off fast with some heart pumping movement, followed by a double time drill that pops you into that fat burning zone fast! Then comes SSoD Lead Trainer Cat Kom! She takes advantage of your warmed up body and moves right into a killer endurance ladder drill where the ladder keeps getting higher and higher and higher! Trust me, you’ll be beggin’ for a break at this point.

And we will take one… a lil’ halftime intermission to catch your breath so you’re recharged for the second half of this amazing indoor cycling workout.

POW! Right back at it for some serious Climbs, Jumps, Sprints and more. Expect to finish the ride off with an East vs. West all-out battle on the bike. You pick your side, but no matter what side you pick, BRING… IT!!! For that drafting drill, you need to bring every single ounce of effort that you have left! And we all win in the end. Get it.

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer: /
  • Date: October 4, 2015
  • Length: 1:04:35
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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