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    You’re no slouch in the strength training arena, so it’s time to pump it up to a new level with “GYM HARDER” WOD (workout of the day) BOOTCAMP. You’ll challenge your muscle endurance, strength, and stamina with two 4×4 blocks with 25 reps per exercise. Want the math? That’s 100 reps per major muscle group for a major workout. You’ve got what it takes. Get at it!

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    15 Min Quick Ride

    When you’ve only got a tiny porthole-size window of time, you want to make the best of it, right? Well, this quick-ride is JUST LIKE FIRE, and you’re gonna feel the burn. Olga said, “You just gotta get up and TRY, try, try.” SO WHAT if you’re not in the mood. When you experience all these sprints, Tabata drills, and even a monster hill climb in this 15-minute cycle session, you’ll be thinking that it was F****** PERFECT. Okay, if you haven’t figured out the artist featured by now, I can’t help you. Just click play. 🙂

    This workout does not include a warm-up or cool-down, but we have some great options here!

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    Throwbacks Step & Tone

    This fast-paced workout is the perfect fusion class, starting with some fat-frying step aerobics and finishing with some body-toning resistance training exercises. Inspired by throwback tracks from the ’80s & ‘90s, you’ll be movin’ and groovin’ as you gain muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. Step to it!

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    Kid’s Spin + Abs

    Whether you’re a kid or just a kid at heart, you won’t want to miss this family fitness affair. Join Olga and her “Mini” as they lead you through a family-friendly, kid’s Spin class, inspired by fun soundtracks from some of the most popular kid movies. This workout will challenge you and may push you to your limit, but you’ll enjoy every fun-loving minute of it. So, grab your own mini workout buddy, and let’s ride!

    Format: 20 min ride, 5 min abs, 5 min stretch.

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    Happy Hour Ride

    When you want a feel-good Spin workout, you know you’ll get it when you click play on a class led by either Fred or Olga, so just imagine what you’ll get when these two singing cyclists join forces! Join them for a Happy Hour Ride with non-stop drills full of hills, sprints, and even a few surprises. Bet you’ll be singing along with them as you get your sweat on. Grab your water and towel, and let’s get happy!

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    HIIT Workout for Small Spaces

    When you’re short on time, space, and equipment, this quick 20-minute bodyweight-only HIIT training for small spaces is begging you to push play. You don’t need any equipment, and will only use a space the size of a mat to roll through 30 second intervals designed to work every major muscle group and keep your heart rate up in the fat-burning zone. Anywhere, anytime, get it done!

    *Don’t forget to stretch!*

    Check out Miriam’s 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch: https://bitcotprod.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/post-spin-cycling-stretches-in-5-minutes-by-studio-sweat-ondemand/

    Or choose another stretch session from our awesome selection of Stretch Classes: https://bitcotprod.studiosweatondemand.com/classes/stretch-restore-workouts/

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    Work It w/ Olga

    If you ever ride with the Olganator, you know her famous line, “Go to work.” Well, that’s what this hard-working indoor cycling class is all about. From the tracks to the hill climbs, jumping, and sprinting drills, it’s all the best kind of calorie-crushing, strength-building work. Hop on, clock in, and go to work!

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    9 Years. 11 Trainers. 1 Killer Ride.

    11 Trainers to Celebrate 9 Years in 1 Class. TONS of Fun. Buckets of SWEAT! Click play for this 90-minute long online Spinning class to feel more accomplished than EVER! Leggo.

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    Spin…then Sculpt!

    One way to challenge your body to progress is to continuously shock your body with variation and change. This pop music-themed Spin and sculpt video is designed to do just that. We’ll start with a beat-driven 30-minute cycle session, filled with cardio drills to get your heart pumping. Then grab your dumbbells and something you can do a tricep dip on (like a high step, a chair, or even a BOSU) for about 25 minutes of total body strength training. This Olganator special is the type that challenges you, changes you, and is non-stop fun. Let’s kick some booty!

    FORMAT: ~30 Min Ride, Followed by Sculpt then Stretch

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    60 Min Tabata Bootcamp

    What’s better than a one-trainer Tabata workout? You guessed it – two trainers driving you through a full 60-minute Tabata bootcamp workout! This class is packed with action as Olga and Jessica partner up to get your heart pumping, sweat dripping, and every major muscle group feeling the burn. This class consists of 5 blocks of work, 8 min each (remember, a true Tabata is 4 minutes, so each block is 2 Tabatas!), alternating between strength and cardio blocks. Double trouble, double fun, double Tabata – go get it done!

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    30 Min TRX HIIT Training

    This high-intensity TRX workout might start with some basic movements, but hang on to your straps, because we’ll be turning up the intensity before you can even blink. You’ll do two rounds of intervals, with the time decreasing as the moves get more challenging (the first set will be 45 second bursts, dropping to 30 seconds for round two), combining to give you that full-body TRX muscle toning we all know and love. Be sure to have a towel nearby, because we’re keeping it in high gear and dripping ALL the sweat! Burn baby, burn!

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    Fast & Fun Skipping Drills

    The Olganator has a blast outside with some fast and fun jump rope drills. You’ll love the crazy skips she has you try. They’re challenging, but super fun for everyone with a jump rope to try. What have you got to lose?! Oh yeah, fat! Go crush those kCals.