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TRX Sculpt October 12, 2014

Equipment: TRX®

If there was a contest for the World’s BEST TRX® trainer, do you know who would win? Studio SWEAT’s very own Trainer Brooke. I mean hands down. No contest. In this workout, she leads you through a creative full body circuit that energizes you and wipes you out at the same time. The primary tool used will be your TRX® strap, but you’ll also need to grab a set of medium and heavy dumbbells to assist in strengthening that upper body, specifically those shoulders and biceps. Yep, they’re gonna be hurtin’ so good folks! Get to it… with a smile of course. 😉

  • Class Type:
  • Trainer:
  • Date: October 12, 2014
  • Length: 57:23
  • SWEAT Scale:
  • 1-3 Sweat Drops:

    Low to Moderate Intensity
  • 4-5 Sweat Drops:

    Moderate to High Intensity

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